Code of Conduct
Collective Arts was founded because we believe a more creative world is a better world and, if we have to get up everyday and go to work, let's have fun, push boundaries and inspire the world while we're at it.
We want to inspire the world! We want to make sure the people who we interact with upholds the values of Kindness, Empathy, Respect, and Dignity just like we do! This code of conduct is a reference document created for you to understand what we stand for and what is expected from you as we work together.
Collective Arts strives to create a safe and inclusive environment for all our employees. Our policies are continuously reviewed and adjusted to ensure the safety of everyone. We require the third parties we work with to actively take efforts to promote a positive and safe company culture.
We are committed to providing a work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Workplace Violence, Domestic Violence or Harassment or Sexual Harassment will not be tolerated from any person in the workplace, whether it be perpetrated by or against employee, clients, contract workers, contractors, visitors or other third parties. Collective Arts Brewing is committed to allotting whatever time, attention, authority, and resources necessary to ensure a safe and healthy working environment.
This code of conduct not only applies to our employees, but our service providers, contractors, and volunteers. The relationships that Collective Arts maintain with our service providers, consultants, suppliers, vendors, contractors, subcontractors (collectively, "Third Parties") are an important part of our
business. We expect that the Third Parties that we conduct business with are aligned with these principles and are willing to comply if they are not already. The Code outlines principles for ethical behavior and it is crucial for all third parties to understand and behave according to this code when working for or with Collective Arts.
Collective Arts views Harassment as any behaviour that undermines personal dignity, demeans, humiliates, or embarrasses another person, negatively affects job performance, endangers continued employment, or creates an uncomfortable environment. Harassment may consist of a single act or incident or continue over a period. Management pledges to investigate and deal with all concerns, complaints, or incidents of Workplace Violence or Harassment in a fair and proficient manner while respecting the privacy of all concerned to every extend possible.
What generally constitutes harassment:
- Serious or repeated rude, degrading, or offensive remarks, such as teasing related to a person's physical characteristics or appearance, put-downs or insults.
- Displaying sexist, racist or other offensive pictures, posters, or sending e-mails related to one of the eleven grounds prohibited under the Canadian Human Rights Act.
- Repeatedly singling out an employee by assigning him/her with demeaning and belittling jobs that are not part of his/her regular duties.
- Threats, intimidation, or retaliation against an employee, including one who has expressed concerns about perceived unethical or illegal workplace behaviours.
- Unwelcome social invitations, with sexual overtones or flirting, with a subordinate.
- Unwelcome sexual advances which may or may not be accompanied by promises or threats, explicit or implicit.
- Intimidation, threats, verbal abuse, blackmail, yelling or shouting.
- Caressing, kissing or fondling someone against his or her will (could be considered assault).
- Comments destroying a person's reputation, repeated insinuations or unfounded accusations.
- Insults or humiliations, repeated attempts to exclude or isolate a person.
- Invasion of personal space (getting too close for no reason, brushing against or cornering someone).
- Persistently asking someone out, despite being turned down.
- Regularly following or constantly waiting for someone, watching that person's comings and goings.
- Racist and discriminatory comments or offensive jokes.
- Inappropriate questions, suggestions or remarks about a person's sex life.
- Systematically interfering with normal work conditions, sabotaging places or instruments of work.
- Abuse of a situation of formal or informal authority or power to threaten a person's job or undermine his or her performance.
- Bullying (physical, verbal, social, cyber) for example humiliating a person in public settings to control the emotional climate at work.
- Falsely accusing and undermining a person behind closed doors, controlling a person's reputation by rumor-mongering, controlling the person by withholding resources (time, budget, autonomy, training) necessary to succeed.
- Humiliating a person in front of colleagues, smear campaigns.
- Arbitrarily taking disciplinary action against an employee.
We acknowledge that every situation cannot be addressed and expect all parties to showcase accountability and responsibility to exercise good judgment and proper business conduct.

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