& inclusion
The active practice of listening and including those inside & outside of the company, who come from a range of unique social and ethnic backgrounds, genders, classes and orientations.
Collective Arts actively practices to provide equal access, opportunities and resources to those who differ in race, gender, sexuality, or ability. Nobody is, has or will be excluded.
We are a collective. Period. Everyone in the Collective Arts family has a valued opinion and deserves equal opportunity for advancement and acknowledgement.
Why now? Why these pronouns?
We discuss the importance of using gender pronouns in society and the workplace while also providing some helpful resources to gain a better understanding of how to correctly address others.
Letter From The Collective Arts Diversity & Inclusion Committee
A quick intro to the plans and goals of the Diversity & Inclusion Committee as well as information regarding the National Day for Truth & Reconciliation, a free Indigenous learning course through University of Alberta, and LGBTQIA+ Hamilton resources.
Collective Arts was founded on land that is the traditional territory of the Anishinaabek (A-nish-in-ah-beck), Haudenosaunee (Hod-in-oh-saw-nee), Erie, Huron and Neutral-Wendat tribes. Our spaces also exist on the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, Mississauga, Wendake-Neonwentsïo, Munsee Lenape & Canarsie tribes. The lands we reside on are currently home to many Indigenous peoples from across Turtle Island, within the lands protected by the Dish with One Spoon wampum agreement.
Let us strive to rise above mere words and seek to inspire action and commitment towards recognising and furthering our relationships with the Indigenous peoples and the land they have stewarded for years.

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